IWB is accredited as a testing laboratory, inspection and certification body according to BauPG (April 28th 1998 (BGBl. S. 812)(BGBl. I p. 798), rev. December 5th 2012 (BGBl I p. 2449) )
As a notified testing laboratory, inspection and certification body (PÜZ-Stelle), the IWB holds the recognitions for European conformity assessments (CE Marking by manufacturer) according to Construction Products Regulation (BauPG)
- ETAG 001, Parts 1 - 5: Metal Anchors for Use in Concrete
- ETAG 014: Plastic anchors for fixing of external thermal insulation composite systems with rendering
- ETAG 020, parts 1 - 5: Plastic anchors for multiple use in concrete and masonry for non-structural applications
- ETAG 029: Metal injection anchors for use in masonry
- EOTA-Ref.-Nr. 06.01/01: Anchor channels
- EOTA-Ref. Nr. 06.01/15: Steel plate with cast-in anchors
- EOTA-Ref.-Nr. 06.01/20: Concrete screw for anchorage in normal-weight concrete

Michael Potthoff